Dec 18, 2004

"My sign's a metaphor. I don’t really know what a metaphor is, but – hey sir, spare some change?"

I have deprived myself of using my walkman for almost a week. I have too much to think about without using another form of escape like the radio. But today is Saturday, so I used it on my daily walk downtown. Tracy Chapman sang to me about a fast car and I lost myself. Thanks Tracy. You rock.

As I was walking, I decided that when I got to the library, I was going to read myself up on the subject of autism, which is odd because I really had no intrest in it before. Today, I was not one to argue with a new idea, so when I got there, I picked up an autism book and started to read. It's pretty wild stuff, that autism is.
After about 40 minutes, I was joined in my quiet corner of the library by an Asian woman who began taking books off the shelf and putting them on a nearby desk and talking Chineese on her cel phone the whole time. My whole mind was fixed on this woman and her pacing back and forth. I couldn't concentrate on my reading anymore. I really wanted to ask her; "Excuse me? Did you come to the library to read, or to talk on your phone?", which sounds rude, but I was pretty curious. She was trying to be polite and was not talking very loud or anything, but my world had been torn asunder. I could no longer read where I was sitting. I moved about 20 feet away and continued to read about autism for another 20 minutes.

After the austistic reading about autism surrounded by Asian women on cel phones, I went to Kingsmill's to buy my Mom a Christmas present. I really love Kingsmill's but never get to go there because it's where the rich people go to get proper service and get it immediately, which I have never been one to demand. I was there five minutes and found something for her and left, in no mood to browse the higher life.


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