Black & White

I saw a guy today wearing a Nascar baseball cap and a Toronto Raptors jacket at the same time, which is something I thought I would never see in my life; a white (maybe even whites only) sport from the very heart of southern confederate America and a very urban sport, mostly predominated by black dudes combined in one person. It was very odd to see I think you would agree.
Hey, perhaps this guy's the one that keeps both sport communities in perfect harmony so that they don't implode the universe or something? That would be pretty weird wild weird stuff I think you would agree.
Actually, that theory is a little far fetched since this guy's debit card was denied at the beer store. The Chosen One would not have a debit card, much less one that would be denied by the beer man himself. It would be cash only I am sure for the One, just like in my dreams.
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