Mar 14, 2005

Write Everything. They Don't Matter.

Zack Parsons and Richard Kyanka from SA are the reasons why I started writing.

Looking in my Written Warning folder right now, I see that I have 32 articles I am working on right now and 17 posted already, but the creation process is so slow for me when I know I have something good. My last good bit was over a month long process of writing, reading, overwriting, avoiding, reading again, rewriting, avoiding again, etc. The idea for it was in my head almost a year before I got to actually writing it as well. I am a lazy perfectionist I guess.

After reading Zacks update at work today I decided I was going to write about my ex-girlfriends in some kind of odd/funny way, just because I felt the need again to write and have been thinking about them three in the last few days... With a bit of brainstorming and notes I came up with some intresting ways to write it, but, no matter how I tried to make the story funny (“"you shall be visited by three ghosts this night, Scrooge! 3 ex-girlfriends!"), I still couldn’t get away from the fact that I am dwelling on girls that no longer exist to me, which is emo bullshit and nothing is as annoying as a person on the internet talking about how their lives are so fucked up because of how sad their lives are. It's tough to make that kind of crap funny, so I trashed the idea. But, the article was added to the folder with the rest of the shit and it still might resurface again later when I find the right setting for it. Who knows.

Anyway, thanks for the inspiration Zack! I am sending you $40.00 so you can buy a wheel of cheese and eat the whole thing in one sitting. I want pics of you with the cheese wheel wearing nothing but a pink Speedo of course. Thanks.


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