How awesome would it be to be a radical Christian fundamentalist in times like these? Totally awesome is the only answer.
Terry died yesterday, and now the Pope, the Pope himself is hanging on by a thread, surrounded by bishops and Jedi. I am told by CNN (the website of doom) that he’s about to “meet the embrace of the Holy Father”, which sounds pretty cool actually. After he finally dies, there’s the mourning, the funeral, the new pope selection process, more mourning, even more mourning and of course the concluding clown parade down the streets of Vatican City. From what I know of Catholicism, this should be an interesting few days, full of gaudy ceremonies and lots of dudes in robes with incense.
Anyway, before I go out to drink beer in honor of the Pope and also my friends birthday, I would like to post 2 pictures of Anna Kournikova and her husband Enrique Englasieas that the Pope himself took from nearly ¼ mile away with his new Canon EF 300mm f/3.5-5.6L lens (kick ass lens). 

Thanks Pope! You’re awesome Pope! I drink this night in memory of whatever it was that you did while you were alive. Have a good afterlife and stuff!
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