My sister in law told me a story yesterday about her baby daughter, my niece Shayla (cutest kid ever).
My Mom, sis-in-law and Shayla (cutest kid ever) were all at a mall together and Shayla was acting like a typical child of that age; she has suddenly discovered her legs and how they can be actually used for going places, often times at dangerous speeds.
A nyway, Shayla, who is normally very shy to strangers and even to familiar people she has not seen for a long time, suddenly broke loose and ran into a clothing store and straight into the arms of a Hindu woman (e.g. a woman from India). She hugged her and was in her arms in a matter of seconds. My sis-in-law was stunned at this reaction, but thought nothing of it and she gathered up Shayla, apologized to the woman and moved on.
I found this story fascinating and ended up asked a lot of questions about it to my sis. I’ve never seen this first hand of course, but I’ve read similar stories before in Buddhist texts and histories of the Dali Lamas. Each Dali Lama was sought out by searching for young boys who had an uncanny understanding of the previous Lama and his possessions and companions. You know what I am saying; reincarnation and past lives and shit like that.
This is the first story I’ve heard first hand that dwells so closely to that belief. Not saying anything… Just saying it’s kind of cool to think about and also Shayla is the cutest kid ever.

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