
(barbed wire surrounding a cross walk)
Peter Gibson (a.k.a "Roadsworth") is a terrorist. Why? Because in Montreal, he changes the standard things you see on the roads into something intresting and new. This makes him a criminal and the city is pissed at him becuase his is drawing outside of the lines. How terrible of him?! How dare him?! The horror!

(leaves vining around a crosswalk. What a criminal!)
He's been charged with 85 counts of "mischief", which could either leave him in jail for a very long time or leave him holding a big bill for making the city "different without permission".
Click on the links for more info on this cool guy.
Adbusters link (includes pics of Roadsworth's big foot crosswalk and owl perch. Both are very cool and also "crimes".)
Zeke's Gallery link (includes links to send e-mail's to the mayor's office regarding this issue and lots of other links regarding Roadsworth)

(Nine candles at an intersecion! The man is the poster child for Al-Queda!)
More nice Zeke's Gallery links and info here
I post this because it's intresting, but also because it pisses me off to see this kind of shit happen in my homeland of Canada, a place where this should be not only tolerated but embraced as something new and a part of our image as being the greateat fucking country in the world!
Thanks Adbusters for letting me know about this. You rock. I promice you that my first born will be named "Ad". Middle name? Yeah, you guessed it; Busters!
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