Aug 15, 2005

Elderly Amputee Midget Scat Porn is Here!

(this title is merely here to see what kind of hit results I get from Yahoo. Hits from Yahoo is the real topic of this post. This post is not about old naked midgets with missing limbs smearing shit all over themselves. If you came here hoping for something like that, I am sorry to disappoint you and you are also a sick son of a bitch and get off my internet.) has "The Suspence is Killing Me" listed recently in some search results. This is a new thing and hasn’t happened before and it's quite cool. Here’s some stats (the link stats I am quoting will change very, very quickly and actually changed while I was writing this. I am quoting what I found at the time of this post.)

- Search for “Remeron blog” gets me the 69th link. Who clicks on the 69th link for any search? I never have.

- Search for “gibson+peter+roadsworth” gets me the 7th link. This is cool. I worked on that post for a while and more people need to know about this guy.

- Search for "Kenny Irons" gets me the 7th link. Dumb post, but I’ll take the 7th link anyway.

- Search for “Prozac and vivid dreams” gets me the 6th link. Cool.

- Search for “nasty stuff” gets me the 64rd link. Who searches for “nasty stuff”!? And second of all, why the hell am I on that list? Third of all, why is 63 sites beating me to this title?

- Finally,
Search for “greenday songlists” gets me the first unsponsered link! What the hell?

Thanks Yahoo for the hits! If you were a man and I were a woman, I would seriously consider allowing you to impregnate me with your man seed so we might produce the bastard child of Yahoo, which I would call Vincent. Why Vincent? What would you suggest; Yahoo II? That’s a stupid name. Why do we always have to argue?... I want a divorce!

(by the way, if you use Yahoo to actually search for "Elderly Amputee Midget Scat Porn", you get this site, which is pretty hardcore stuff, but sadly there is no old legless midgets shitting themselves on there. Damn Yahoo won't deliver on my need to see old midgets with no legs eating their own crap! Damn you, Yahoo. And you call yourself a search engine...)


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10/16/2011 10:48 PM  

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