Tony Bower
With all my expenses in these last few months of 2005, I have decided to attempt to sell some of my photos to anyone that’s interested. With student loans, collection agency, rent, drug prescription and a job that doesn’t even come close to paying for it all I am now officially a starving artist! Something to be proud of I guess.
Anyway, whoever you are that’s reading this, thanks for reading this! Also, click here to see most of my photos that are available. You can see a few different older ones here as well. This blog you are reading also has a few photos that are available as well. Wow, I really should get them all in one place, shouldn't I?
Each photo is only web quality as of now. Your requested photo will be rescanned at the highest photo quality available and printed and also signed. I can also personalize the signature if you like. I will cover the cost of the developing process and also shipping as well.
I am asking $50.00 Canadian for each 8x10 print. If you would like a larger print, let me know and I can make arrangements.
Contact me at this e-mail address if you have any interest in any of my photos. It would be much appreciated.

Tony Bower
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