My Favourate Action Shot of Keanu Reeves

What is that? Campbells Chunky Soup? Perhaps a home-made stew? Some kind of mysterious gravy and corn mixture? Only Keanu and the gutter know for sure.
I love this photograph of Keanu Reeves. It’s like he’s really using all of his amazing high quality acting skills at this point, giving his all to the role, making the viewer actually believe he his leaning out of a car and sadistically vomiting into the gutter... Truly, Keanu is an actor with no equal.
Here’s some more hit notes:
- Someone found my story "The Perfect American Media Story" by Yahoo searching for "parking garage rape story". Nice. I hope they enjoyed it.
- Someone actually clicked on "Elderly Amputee Midget Scat Porn is Here" when searching on Yahoo for "amputee porn". I bet they were disappointed when they arrived here and I bet I was amused and glad that they were disappointed and I bet I will get more hits from this post for people looking for more "amputee porn" and I will be equally glad and amused when those idiots are equally disappointed... I could go on quoting dumb keywords like this forever, but I won't... Hay, Keanu Reeves!
Also, I have discovered that most people are finding me recently because of two reasons: the news stories I have blatantly ripped off from other sites and provided a link to in my posts (e.g. Hunter S. Thompson, Cameron Diaz, Katie Holmes) and keyword searches, such as; blow job, sex, scat, porn, pedophilia.
Don’t you just love/hate/adore/despise/fucking can’t stand/absolutely love the internet? Don’t you just?
By the way, if you are a big fan of Keanu Reeves and you would like to link to this picture of Keanu Reeves vomiting on your Keanu Reeves Geocities shrine of Keanu Reeves pictures, please use the following banner that I have created to link to this article about Keanu Reeves and Keanu Reeves and Keanu! Fucking Keanu!!!

Go somewhere else now.
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