Aug 19, 2005

77 Water Street

By clicking on this link, you will magically travel the vast internet and arrive at Tom Fletcher's photos of the unique architecture of New York City... Cool stuff.

After a bit of navigation on that site, we discover the seemingly normal looking building on 77 Water Street , New York City. Well, this boring 26 floor building has a World War One Sopwith Camel (complete with runway) on it’s roof that was placed there for artistic value by the owners in hopes of it becoming a conversation piece for employees looking out of the neighboring and taller skyscrapers nearby (which used to include the World Trade Center actually). The architect that designed the building was quoted saying "[The model sopwith camel plane was built] solely for the delight of denizens of neighboring skyscrapers.” There's more pics and lots of information about the plane here.

Is this the coolest thing in New York that nobody knows about, or am I crazy?... Very cool stuff.

Finally, we have a cool picture of the aforementioned WWI plane and runway taken from a space satellite. The image is labeled with a copyright "2005 Sanborn". I say this because I don’t want to get sued and also because I have never heard of Sanborn, but they seem very cool stuff as well.


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