Feb 28, 2005

Forgot Who I Was Yesterday

Went out with a roll of film and a new pack of smokes yesterday for the first time in almost a year (I smoke a lot when I am taking photos for some reason). I spent the whole day walking around aimlessly, staring suspisiously at everything from multiple angles, looking for shots and smoking. I ended up following the train tracks from my home to downtown, then walked through as many back alleys as I could, looking for that one thing no one has ever seen before. I found it a couple times.

I will post more pics from the day in a few days because Hello won't allow us mere humans to post more than one photo per post. Fuck you, Hello. Just fuck you.

Good day, this Sunday was.

Feb 26, 2005

Exercise at work

We were all gathered around a boardroom desk and told to write your name of a piece of paper and pass it to the person on your left. That person (and you with your paper) are told to write something nice about that person on the paper and then pass it to the left again. Process continues until you have your own paper back.

I got my paper back and about half of the comments on my page were about how I should smile more and how I should talk more. Thanks for the input, people! That was nice of you. Any other suggestions, fellow employees?

Maybe I really should be fake from now on and pretend to smile when I don’t feel like it, and talk worthless chatter to complete strangers for no reason. That’s really the answer I think… No. I don’t think so.

With that being said, honestly, the people at Info-tech are pretty cool people. Very supportive and all that. There’s the standard Nascar guy, the gung-ho power seller, the anorexic rave girl, the single mother, the skank, the old guy. I am used to the environment and know my way around that shit I think.

Other than my standard negativity about everything in the universe and the constant flow of half empty philosophy, work is well. I am doing well and making my own form of an impression.

Finally, a new article for Winterwind has been successfully posted on the internets by me. Check it out here if you really, really, care.

Feb 6, 2005

Be "DISHONEST" and Tell Them You Are Awesome

The fucking welfare office crowd with their sick, bloated bodies and their Nascar Racing patches gave me a fucking cold! Bastards!

Anyway, I lied my ass off and got a job. It starts tomorrow.
Monday, Monday, Monday.

More to come.