Jul 22, 2005

David Lynch to promote meditation for world peace

Film director David Lynch wants to raise $7 billion to bring about world peace through a massive transcendental meditation program.

Lynch, 59, known for the quirky, avant-garde works like "Mulholland Drive" and the "Twin Peaks" TV series, is launching a foundation dedicated to bringing the benefits of the stress-reducing technique to school students across America, and ultimately the world.

"I want to raise $7 billion dollars. People laugh at $7 billion but it would stay in a bank account and the interest would be enough to keep things going on a permanent basis," Lynch told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday.

"I would like to find some very wealthy individuals who saw the truth of this and said 'I want to do something for the world which is meaningful'. This is a way to bring real peace to earth. Real peace isn't just the absence of war. It is the absence of negativity," he said.

Lynch did not say why his program needs $7 billion rather than, say, $10 billion or $1 billion.

Lynch said he had been practicing transcendental meditation himself for more than 30 years and had seen the benefits in some schools in Maryland, Iowa and in Johannesburg, South Africa, where students have adopted it.

The David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-based Education and World Peace aims to fund in-school transcendental meditation programs and support research on the effects of the technique on academic performance, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and drug abuse.

"I am starting this foundation to ensure that every child in America who wants to meditate can learn.

"You can say I'm full of baloney, but you meet students who get this opportunity and they shine like you cannot believe," Lynch said.

Click to go to original Yahoo!/Reuters link

Jul 21, 2005

Kenny Irons

I normally don’t browse college football websites basically because most people that are into football strongly enough to actually read about it on the internet are worthless losers and deserve to be shot and their corpses pissed upon, but someone interviewed Kenny Irons, a running back for the Auburn Tigers recently and I was rather amused at his nerdy responses.

The more amusing things my new favourate football player said during the interview is highlighted in bold for you viewing pleasure.


Question: If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing that you would buy and why?

Answer: “I would buy a huge house. When you are young you idolize people and they have big, huge houses. They have these big houses with all these different rooms. They are so nice and lovely and they are somewhere that you can go and relax and you can have a big bed like Shaquille O’Neil. Shaquille O’Neal has a 30-foot bed. Who has a 30-foot bed in their house? Just imagine having something like that and relaxing and just saying I’m home. And you can have a lot of go-carts out in front of your house to ride in.”

Q: What is your most prized possession and something that you could not live without?

A: “Candy, I love candy. I love candy bars and snacks. If they didn’t make snacks and junk food then I would be lost. I wake up in the morning eating honey buns. (Strength and Conditioning) Coach Yoxall wants us to gain weight and I tell him that I eat good food and then he asks what I have been eating. I always tell him that I’ve had two Little Debbie snacks, some brownies, and some cookies. He always tells me that is not going to help me gain weight, but I love snacks. I would eat snacks over any kind of healthy food any day.”

Q: If you had to be stranded on a deserted island for one month, which one of your teammates would you want to bring with you and why?

A: “I would bring Tre Smith because he is the most unique person ever. He thinks of the most amazing things. If we were on a deserted island we would probably sit around and think about what he brought up yesterday. He said ‘What if a team was on the 50-yard line and they had to kick a field goal to win the game and you had somebody like Carl Stewart who has a 42-inch vertical? If the team kicks the ball and they are barely going to make it and it is just going to graze inside the goalpost and you have Carl jump up and block it before it gets there, would that be OK? And would they count that? What could they do? That is a really good question because there is no goaltending in football so they couldn’t do anything about it because Carl just jumps up and blocks it.’ Tre is just wild and he is exciting and good to be around so I would bring Tre Smith.”

Q: Out of all of your teammates, who would make the best politician?

A: “Will Herring would make the best politician because he is very smart. He is a smart guy and if you want to argue with him about something you have to have your facts. Arguing with him is like arguing with a lawyer. He has all the information online and he is ready and he can back up anything. So I think that Will would make a good politician. He should run for governor of Alabama or mayor of Auburn.

Q: What is your favorite Auburn
tradition and why?

A: “The rolling of Toomer’s corner because I had never experienced something so amazing in my life. When I came to Auburn I saw all of these people huddled around this tree and I was like, ‘What is this?’ You have all of these people and they have all of this toilet paper. They have soft toilet paper and every kind of toilet paper and they are all throwing it at a tree. I was like ‘Why are they throwing all of this toilet paper at a tree?,’ and they told me that they were rolling Toomer’s corner. I asked who is going to clean all of this mess up and they told me that the wind would blow it all away or the rain would wash it down. They said sometimes they have people come clean it up and I said that I wouldn’t want to have to clean up all of this toilet paper.

Q: What is your best talent outside of football?

A: “Drawing. I like to draw, if you consider that a talent. I like to disguise myself as other people, too. I call that a talent. I like telling people that I am somebody else. I tell people that I play water polo and if they ask me what position I play I tell them right water. I don’t even know if that is a position but I tell them that I play right water.”

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: “In ten years from now I see myself being on the beach just lounging. I just want to lounge around in a nice beach house and I will have a four-wheeler on the beach so I can drive around. I just want to be able to hang around and have fun. I also see my traveling around the world. I want to go to little islands that are just out there somewhere far and I would also like to go to Europe. I’ve never been to Europe or Paris. I want to go somewhere like Fiji or Tahiti.”

Link to original interview

Jul 19, 2005


Quiet time the last little while for me. I haven’t spoken with anyone in days. It’s unhealthy to seclude yourself from the world, I know, but I’ve felt a possible anxiety attack following me around and quiet time is the only thing that makes it go away. It's almost gone, thankfully.

Sorry for not talking to you if you wanted me to. Sorry for not returning your phone calls. In the mood I am in, I would be a terrible conversationalist.

Jul 16, 2005

It Did It

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Finally found this short film after looking for over a week. It's odd, but if you have any intrest in the effects of anti-depressants on the mind of a person, I suggest you check it out.

It Did It - a film by Peter Brinson

Check out his other stuff at his page. He's quite the freaky cool dude.

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Jul 10, 2005

Holy Romona!

Was searching for a short film I watched about three years ago called “It Did It” online tonight. Google couldn’t find it, which I was pretty surprised at.

With Google failing me, I ended up trying to retrace my steps back to those days of internet surfing and sifting through the sites I used to go to, in hopes of finding “It Did It” in the process.

I was unable to find “It Did It”, but I did find the first blog I ever did. I updated it I think twice in the span of four days and then realized that it really really sucked and forgot about it… It’s still live… After three years… What the fuck?!

The search for “It Did It” continues...

Jul 8, 2005


(barbed wire surrounding a cross walk)

Peter Gibson (a.k.a "Roadsworth") is a terrorist. Why? Because in Montreal, he changes the standard things you see on the roads into something intresting and new. This makes him a criminal and the city is pissed at him becuase his is drawing outside of the lines. How terrible of him?! How dare him?! The horror!

(leaves vining around a crosswalk. What a criminal!)

He's been charged with 85 counts of "mischief", which could either leave him in jail for a very long time or leave him holding a big bill for making the city "different without permission".

Click on the links for more info on this cool guy.

Adbusters link (includes pics of Roadsworth's big foot crosswalk and owl perch. Both are very cool and also "crimes".)

Zeke's Gallery link (includes links to send e-mail's to the mayor's office regarding this issue and lots of other links regarding Roadsworth)

(Nine candles at an intersecion! The man is the poster child for Al-Queda!)

More nice Zeke's Gallery links and info here

I post this because it's intresting, but also because it pisses me off to see this kind of shit happen in my homeland of Canada, a place where this should be not only tolerated but embraced as something new and a part of our image as being the greateat fucking country in the world!

Thanks Adbusters for letting me know about this. You rock. I promice you that my first born will be named "Ad". Middle name? Yeah, you guessed it; Busters!

Jul 7, 2005

What Do You Get For Pretending the Danger's Not Real?

Jul 6, 2005

Burn, Canada And Spain, Burn!

Mark Morford writes another awesome artice for SFgate.com. He updates bi-weekly and is really smart. I suggest you send him some flowers. Perhaps a fruit basket!


"Oh, but it will be fun to watch Spain and Canada burn in hell. I mean, we're right next door to Canada. We have the best possible view.

"It will be fun to watch their societies crumble, their moral fiber rend and shred, their sense of justice and humanity wither and die in the white-hot sun of sin and impudence and blasphemy, Canada's no-longer-manly hockey teams spontaneously combust into a billion meaty bloody God-splattered bits, Spanish children drop their jambón sandwiches in terror and scream and shriek and turn into instant puddles of fiery confused goo.

"Why all the vicious carnage? Why the reign of terror? Simple, silly: Canada and Spain have done the unthinkable, the unconscionable. They have legalized gay marriage, everywhere, in their respective countries. Oh my God, they are so going to burn.

Link to full article here = Burn, Canada And Spain, Burn!

Jul 5, 2005

The Other Person

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Prozac: Day Twenty Two

Feeling incredibly blank the last 2 days. I don’t know why. It’s like my motivation to do anything is suddenly gone again. My anxiety has returned about the money I owe and being without a job. I’ve done everything already and there’s no point in going out anymore and I just lie there and watch whatever comes on the television.

The heat and humidity is not helping either. It’s just another thing to complain about. I have a big “fuck you” in my thoughts whenever I see someone else or have to interact with anybody. Just give me what I want and leave me alone.

Last week, I saw a nice woman working at the library that I like to interact with. She’s always pleasant and makes me feel better, smiling at me and being pretty and stuff. Today, I just didn’t want to see or talk to anybody, even myself.

Usually, when I am in a good mood, I talk to myself. It’s like I am kind of practicing having conversations with someone else, so I can feel more comfortable when I actually do it. I haven’t done this in two days.

My mind is very very quiet… Also, I started 20mg today and I think it’s about damn time for this shit to show itself to me.

Jul 2, 2005

Saturday Crawl: Canada Day Edition

Took the remaining 10 shots I had in my camera and wandered around the parts of downtown that I haden't wandered around before today. Checked out the Labatt's plant, Michel's On The Thames and the rather claustrophobic Ridout st. underpass.

Also went back to one of the alleyways beside Chaucer's, a place that ended up being one of my favourate shots and tried to focus more on the yellow bricks that made it so awesome. I could see the picture in my head when I was there again and tried stupidly to recreate the same magic. Not a chance in hell. Everything from that alley ended up being really badly lit.

Anyway, after 3 hours of walking and watching, the best shot was one of that last ones. Witness this shot of a train that barred my way home for 10 minutes. I had only 4 more shots to take and got bored while the train moved by ever so slowly by. Behind me in this shot is 3 cars full of people, staring at me and wondering what the hell I was doing... I am quite proud of the focus of the shot while I am on my knees in the middle of a busy road!

(click on the image for more clarity, as this Blogger pic is rather small and not as good looking as the original. I can't resize it on my blog due to Blogger not letting me do it, even though I said I wanted the thing "large". You call that thing large!? I didn't think so! In fact, I think Blogger might be just fucking with me for the sake of some odd experiment to be quite honest with you.)

Jul 1, 2005

Prozac: Day Seventeen

I went to see the doctor on Monday for a quick visit and checkup on my state. Not much to tell him other than the side effects have begun; feeling bloated a lot, never really feeling hungry, nausea in the mornings. Thankfully no desires to commit murder.

I am starting to think that the good mood and the continuous good mood I have been in since day three (see previous entry here) was actually not because of the meds. Things are going well for me right now and I have felt “free” from all the things that used to stress me out and drive me down. Further, I am now in a state where I don’t have to rush things and get back to work as soon as possible, which leaves me able to do what needs to be done to find the right path. I think I haven’t felt this good in maybe five years. I think it’s the state of my world that’s doing this to me though, not Prozac. I am still very hopeful though and I start the standard dose of 20mg (instead of the current 10) this Tuesday.