The "Potty Elmo" must be taken off the shelves now!

Okay so, the big news bit of the day today is the people behind Sesame Street and the lucrative franchise of the plush puppet known as "Elmo" that appears on aforementioned street every now and then is in some serious trouble for putting out an Elmo doll for children showing him sitting on a toilet and attempting to take a shit while he also seems (see picture provided) to sing the praises of how wonderful this experience is to the youth of our society at the same time! Many popular and inbred Christian congregations in Kansas were said to have burned Elmo in effigy and pretty much all children’s toys on the assumption that Satan had in fact finally arisen once again in the form of a fucking shitting plush doll!
This kind of so called "toy" for our youth is obviously a quick gateway into not only enjoying the act of taking a shit, but in their adulthood they will be much more prone to the homosexual society of scat porn fetishists that take sexual pleasure in not only shitting, but also shitting on the chest of their gay lovers and even more disgusting gay things that involve shit and homosexuality and men gently touching other men’s buttocks and stuff... It’s blasphemous, this blatant sexual statement by Sesame Street I tell you!

Sesame Street has a retarded puppet because it’s okay if you are retarded. They have a puppet in a wheelchair because it’s okay if you are in a wheelchair. They even teach children that it’s okay to have a freakishly mis-shapen head and only one eyebrow. Seasame Street has gone way too far telling kids that it’s okay to get sexual pleasure from shitting. Why are you trying to turn Elmo into a flaming gay sexual demon shit fetishist?! I weep at the thought of my little daughter growing up with this kind of thoughts in her head, thinking about Elmo, her favorite doll when she was a child while she is sucking the asshole of a porn star in the back of a van for 50 bucks.

The Potty Elmo must be stopped before yet another shit loving idiot with no morals gets elected into the White House!
This post was brought to you by the letter "P", the letter "O", another letter "O" and finally another letter "P".