This is the link for the Sorter:
The following was the results of the Sorter when I took it almost 3 years ago:
They are very abstract in their thoughts and speech and introverted in their personal relationships. They present a seemingly tranquil and content face to the world, and though all appearances they might seem reserved, and even shy, on the inside they are anything but reserved and they care deeply and passionately about a very few special persons or a favorite cause and their aim is to bring peace and integrity to their loved ones and the world.
They have a profound sense of idealism (they know what is “perfect” and they wont settle for anything less) derived from a strong personal morality (they believe that they deserve it). People like them are found in only one percent of the world’s population, but the “idealism” makes them think they are even more isolated from the rest of the world.
They seek unity, perfection and peace in life, most likely because they have a sense of inner division threaded throughout their life, which comes often from an unhappy childhood.
They lived a fantasy-filled childhood, which, unfortunately, is discouraged by many parents and forced into unwanted social situations, which was made more difficult by brothers or sisters that conformed to these parental expectations.
In the end, they come to see themselves as “ugly ducklings”. Wishing to please their parents and siblings, but not knowing quite how to do it, they try to hide their true selves and differences, believing they are bad to be so imaginary and fanciful, so unlike their more solid and normal peers. They wonder, some of them for the rest of their lives, whether they are actually okay.
They are deeply committed to the positive and the good, yet taught to believe there is evil in them, they can come to develop a certain fascination with the problem of good and evil, love and hate, sacred and profane, constantly on the lookout for the wickedness and evil that they believe lurks within them. All these things in an inner turmoil and is hardly detected, for the struggle between good and evil is within the person and that person does not feel compelled to make his feelings public.
I just took the same test just now and got almost the exact same results as 3 years earlier. I don't know why, but I think that is cool.