Cameraman Sways to Remember How the Eye Dances
Here’s some things:
Got a job at Teletech. It’s like Stream, but with less ass holes. Been there 2 weeks so far. I don’t write about work on here (or try not to) because it’s not my life; it’s what I do so I can have a life.
Once again, I am experiencing a burst of creative energy. I am currently brainstorming a lot of things right now:
1 - A new photoblog with multiple authors with the theme of urbex in the London Ontario area (don’t know what that means? I care not).
2 - My old chain journal idea (more on this soon hopefully).
3 - Finally decided to make a professional looking map of Overworld (old fantsy world I started creating in my head way back when I was twelve years old!)
4 - Trying to think how I can get all my brother’s together to go skydiving.
Yeah. New jobs usually cause this creative energy. It's nice to have a busy mind sometimes. If only I didn’t have the job so I could find the friggin’ time to do all this shit!
Anyway, that’s an update.