Apr 24, 2005
Apr 17, 2005
Among Demons and Lazer Beams Showing Infinity With Every Turn

Vistied Alma College in St. Thomas with Sand, Trevor and Amanda yesterday. It was risky, spooky and mildly illegal. Good times.

More pics from the road trip here
Apr 15, 2005
Apr 14, 2005
The Word Has Moved On
I remember unwrapping that book shaped gift, knowing it was from my mom and therefore knowing perfectly well what it was before seeing it and thinking how shitty is was to have this story in front of me. That might sound weird but at the time, I was a poor, poor man without job and had not been able to afford the previous published book "Song of Susannah" and the mother of mine didn't know this... The book with all the answers was destined to have to wait almost four months on the top of my fridge, collecting dust and trying to be forgotten.
I have been following The Gunslinger in his journey to the Dark Tower for (let me think...) over 12 years now. It was torture getting the last book for Christmas, knowing that I had it, fresh off the presses and couldn't read it until I had Book 6 under my belt.
But now, I am completely in the grasp of "Song of Susannah" and I welcome it's familiar words like the memory of a first kiss.
Book 7 is next...

Apr 12, 2005
Apr 10, 2005
My Brain Farted
It was rainy and cold out and taking pictures outdoors was not going to happen. I ended up checking out a science fair and took this shot of a lonely kid with the BIG answers about flies. I never asked him about what that answer was, as I believe the true answer about flies lies within ourselves and we all must find it on our own personal journey...

Every weekend so far for past 4 weeks and the following 2 weeks is filled with plans to go somewhere and take photos. The creative brain farts never lasts long, so I am doing everything I can to keep this particular fart active and smelling nicely.
Apr 8, 2005
Lunch Hour
The Empress herself is pretty freaked out at this point. It’s her seventeenth birthday and she’s been left alone to look after the pizza. She would be a pretty girl if it weren’t for the bad day she is obviously having. The day is not bad because of the coup, she is used to that and was fully prepared for it when she started working at this Pizza Empress that is next to a high school. The day is bad because there are old people there actually wanting food in a timely manner. She is young, unprepared for such a dramatic rush of equally young people rushing towards her and as a result, it’s the young people only that end up getting served in any form of accuracy. The older people, some of them even in their late twenties, are herded to a corner beside the cash register to stand and pray for some kind of eye contact with the Empress. No such contact occurs and the old people eventually run out of time and all need to return to work. One by one, they asked for their money back and ended up walking the walk of the denied back to their jobs.
After this one hour lunch break, I returned to my quiet relaxing job as a telemarketer.

(Changed some spelling in this after posting it. Thanks Sandra, you spelling bee champion you! She has won numerous local bees and is considering going on the pro bee tour some day soon... It's the weekend and I am silly.)
Apr 5, 2005
Apr 4, 2005
Punishments for the Se7en Deadly Sins.
Pride: You'll be broken on the wheel.
Emotionally or physically? What wheel? Can I see this “wheel” before we begin? Where's my lawyer so he can see this wheel as well!?
Envy: You'll be put in freezing water.
Okay. How long will this Polar Bear Club last? I have heard it’s good for the skin in fact!
Gluttony: You'll be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
What's the side order?
Sloth: You'll be thrown into snake pits.
Will I win 10,000 dollars if I can find the key at the bottom of the pit in time?
Lust: You'll be smothered in fire and brimstone.
Smothered? Really? By who? How many of them will there be smothering me and what will they be wearing before they decide to gang-smother me in unison? Is Pam Anderson a part of this smother party? I love this idea already!
Anger: You'll be dismembered alive.
Whatever. If you punish my soul in Hell, that means I am dead. I caught you! HA! I can’t be dismembered “alive” in Hell because I died already! Now you must set me free because I caught you in a lie just like when you catch a leprechaun in the woods!
Greed: You'll be boiled alive in oil.
Alright. Fuck this religious lesson. Boiled alive in oil?! That's going way too far man. That's just way too far.
Apr 2, 2005
How dumb can a smart person get?
I try very very hard not to hate people, as it's a useless emotion to dwell on and serves no purpose. You see, among other things, I hate Paris Hilton, reality TV, Rush Limbaugh, radical religious groups, gansta rap, cookies with rasins in them and every four years, I hate 90% of the American Olympic Team (the 10% not included is of course the female gymnastics team. I love them!). Therefore, I try not to talk or think about these things.
"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours."---Hannity & Colmes, 6/20/01
"The backbone of the Democratic Party is a typical fat, implacable welfare recipient."---syndicated column 10/29/99
To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC
On Princess Diana's death: "Her children knew she's sleeping with all these men. That just seems to me, it's the definition of 'not a good mother.' ... Is everyone just saying here that it's okay to ostentatiously have premarital sex in front of your children? I've never had bulimia! I've never had an affair! I've never had a divorce! So I don't think she's better than I am."---MSNBC 9/12/97
"I think there should be a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99
"I think women should be armed but should not be allowed to vote."---Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01
"If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."---George, 7/99
"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with are the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly."---MSNBC 3/22/97"Originally, I was the only female with long blonde hair. Now, they all have long blonde hair!"---CapitolHillBlue.com 6/6/00
"Anorexics never have boyfriends. ... That's one way to know you don't have anorexia, if you have a boyfriend."---Politically Incorrect 7/21/97Apr 1, 2005
Cliffhanger for Jesus 2: Judgment Day
Thanks Pope! You’re awesome Pope! I drink this night in memory of whatever it was that you did while you were alive. Have a good afterlife and stuff!